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Ticket sales alone don't cover the cost of operating SSR. We depend on grants and the kindness of generous donors like you to keep our doors open. As a 501(c)3 organization your contributions to SecondStory are tax deducible.



SecondStory Repertory is a “producing theater,” which means that we build all of our productions right here in the heart of the Redmond. Annually, we work with more than 200 of the best artists and artisans in the Greater Seattle area, but none of it is possible without you. And we need you now more than ever.

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We are looking for sponsors for individual performances, entire runs of shows, opening nights, and our Mainstage and Theater for Young Audiences Seasons.

The recognition available to your business for donating to SecondStory Repertory is varied, lively and reaches thousands of people on the Eastside. We offer a number of name and logo recognition opportunities, including print acknowledgement in; programs, season brochures, print advertisements, posters, email newsletters, and our web site. Please contact Mark Chenovick at to discuss specifics.


Have you considered advertising in our show program? Get your name out there as a supporter of the arts. Our programs are distributed at every performance. The following ad rates and sizes will help get your name out there as an active supporter of the arts.

Program Ads:
(Rates apply to Mainstage performances only.)

Full Page: $225.00 (per production)
7.25 inches high x 4.75 inches wide
2175 pixels high x 1425 pixels wide


Half Page: $125.00 (per production)
3.5 inches high x 4.75 inches wide
1050 pixels high x 1425 pixels wide


Quarter Page: $75.00 (per production)
1.75 inches high x 4.75 inches wide
525 pixels high x 1425 pixels wide

(Currently, there no are no discounts for multiple ad placements.)

Ads files can be submitted electronically to in the following formats: .pdf, .jpg, .gif, .tiff, .png

Reservations for program ad space must be made at least one week in advance of opening night. Please call 425.881.6777. SSR reserves the right to edit ad content for our family friendly audience.


Do your online shopping via Amazon Smile and 0.5% of your
purchase will be donated to SecondStory Repertory!

click here to start shopping ]



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